New Repeater Coordination Form

This form is used to request coordination of a new repeater. Please submit a Major Modification Request if your repeater has moved to another location or the antenna height or ERP has changed, resulting in a change of the RF footprint.

Enter the name of the organization or the callsign of the person or club sponsoring the repeater.
Enter the URL of the sponsoring organization's website, if applicable.
Is this repeater open to the amateur community?
Which band are you applying for?
We cannot guarantee specific frequency requests, but if you have a frequency pair you would like us to research first enter the output frequency here.
Check all of the modes that will be enabled on the repeater.
Please select the CTCSS/DCS code required to access the repeater.
Please select the CTCSS/DCS code sent by the repeater's transmitter.
Please enter the repeater ID issued by
Please check all of the features that apply.
Enter the node number.
Enter the node number.
Enter the node number.
Append -L or -R if used.
Enter the RF Extension.
Which frequency band do you need for your split-site link?
You may request a specific link frequency. We cannot guarantee the availability of any frequency until we complete a study.
Enter the height above ground of the receiver site's link transmitter antenna (in feet, whole numbers only.)
Enter the height above ground of the transmitter site's link receiver antenna (in feet, whole numbers only.)
Height of the antenna centerline above ground. (Numbers only)
Height of the antenna centerline above ground. (Numbers only)
Click to use ERP Calculator.
If using a duplexer enter the power measured after the duplexer. Whole numbers only.
Enter the City or Town nearest to the repeater's location.
Enter the county the repeater is located in.
Enter as decimal degrees. Example: 39.34532
Enter as decimal degrees. Example: -97.26456
Enter as decimal degrees. Example: 39.34532
Enter as decimal degrees. Example: -97.26456
Do you need a coordinated frequency for an auxiliary control receiver?
You may request a specific control frequency. We cannot guarantee the availability of any frequency until we complete a study.
Select the region you wish to be listed in for the next ARRL directory.
Additional information may be entered here.
I certify that I am the custodian of record and that I have authorization to submit changes to this coordination.
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