Repeater Minor Modification Update

A Minor Modification Update should be used to update our records regarding repeater features, CTCSS tone changes, a change of owner or trustee or any clerical update that does not involve a change in the RF footprint of the repeater.

First and Last name of the person submitting this request.
Enter the transmitter frequency of the repeater that is being updated.
Enter the callsign of the repeater that is being updated. If the callsign is being changed enter the old and the new callsign. Example: WA0XXX to K0XXX
Enter the name of the organization or the callsign of the person or club sponsoring the repeater.
Check all modes that are enabled on the repeater.
Enter CTCSS tone or DCS code required to access the repeater or "CSQ" for carrier squelch.
Enter CTCSS tone or DCS code the repeater transmits or "CSQ" for carrier squelch.
Enter the repeater ID issued by
Is the repeater for open use by amateurs?
If the organization sponsoring the repeater has a website please enter the URL here.
Check all that apply.
Enter the node # unless it's connected to a room full time, then enter the room #.
Select the region you wish to be listed in for the next ARRL directory.
Use this area to include additional information
I certify that I am the custodian of record and that I have authorization to submit changes affecting this coordination.
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